IL Grant Information
IL Grant Application FY26
In order to simplify the grant application, the information is now divided into two documents:
IL Grant Application Instructions and Forms. (Maintain at Center for reference.)
IL Grant Application (Application documents need to be completed and returned to VR.)
The completed application is due back to MVR by May 2, 2025.
Center's Board of Directors need the opportunity to review and approve the Grant Application prior to the due date. The Grant Application and the Assurances pages must be signed by the appropriate official and submitted. The Grant application is to be submitted electronically as an email attachment using Microsoft Word to Lisa Meisenheimer.
Please base your FY 2026 grant budget on the FY 2025 IL grant amount received as the FY2026 state budget information is not available at this time. We will notify you of any changes in the FY 2026 award amounts in the grant award letter.
Links to the Excel Quarterly Financial Reports are located directly below the grant application for easy access by IL Staff throughout the year.
IL Grant Application
IL Grant Instructions
IL Grant Numbers
Summary of Expenditures – State Funding
Summary of Expenditures – Federal Funding
Funds Transfer Request