Update Personal/Education Info.
Update/Correct Name, Social Security Number, or Date of Birth
Print and complete an Update Personal/Education Information Request Form to make a change. Obtain one copy of any of the following acceptable forms of supporting documentation:
- Driver’s license
- Social Security card
- Marriage certificate
- Divorce decree
- Birth certificate
Mail the completed and signed Request Form and the copy of the supporting documentation to
Educator Certification
PO Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Update Mailing Address, Work/Personal Phone Number, or Email Address
Make changes to your own personal contact information by logging into your educator profile.
- Scroll down to the “Contact Information” section
- Click on the “Edit Contact Information” button at the bottom of the section.
- Enter the new information and hit the “Save” button.
Add an Advanced Degree or Update Education Records
Print and complete an Update Personal/Education Information Request Form to update the records of your college/university degrees or attendance dates. Mail the Request Form with your original transcript verifying the conferral of an advanced degree or updated attendance dates to
Educator Certification
PO Box 480
Jefferson City, MO 65102
NOTE: Faxed, scanned, emailed, or photocopied transcripts will not be accepted. Transcripts become the property of DESE and cannot be returned. The acceptance of coursework and/or degrees is subject to DESE’s approval of the college/university attended and the major area of study.
The Certification Account Portal allows you to:
- Apply for a certificate
- Print out a certificate
- View a certificate or pending application
- View assessment scores
- Check for the receipt of transcripts
- Check fingerprint/background status
- Log into with your username and password (Locked out? Get help here)
- Choose the Educator Certification System link (located on the User Applications page.)
- To establish a username and password, follow the directions of the Educator Certification Help Guide
- If you have a certification account, but have not accessed it for over 5 years, please follow steps #1 and #2 located in the Educator Certification Help Guide.