Browse Educators
The Department is committed to raising expectations for students and improving our assessment system with the goal of preparing every Missouri student for college and career readiness after high school graduation.
Career & Technical Education
Missouri Career Education combines academics and skill training to better prepare students of all ages for the job market.
Educator Effectiveness
Improving students’ learning requires the improvement of the effective practice of those teaching in classrooms and providing leadership in schools.
Educator Preparation
Missouri is devoted to preparing educators to the highest standards to ensure the highest quality of education for our students.
Missouri Leadership Development System
The primary purpose of the Missouri Leadership Development System (MLDS) is the development and support of effective school leaders.
Missouri Teacher Development System
The Missouri Teacher Development System (MTDS) develops and supports teachers.
Professional Development
Search for information on what and how much professional development is needed.
Recruitment and Retention
Purposeful strategies for improving the recruitment and retention of teachers.
School Counseling
The Department staff works to provide resources to help implement school counseling programs.