Senate Bill 380 Outstanding Schools Act
Senate Bill 380 Outstanding Schools Act
(Linked to Missouri General Assembly Website)
Section 88.790 | Assessment of public property--street repairs (cities, under 30,000). |
Section 108.180 | Bond issue--funds kept separate. |
Section 143.071 | Corporations. |
Section 143.171 | Federal income tax deduction, amount, corporation and individual taxpayers. |
Section 144.700 | Revenue placed in general revenue, exception placement in school district trust fund--payment under protest, procedure, appeal, refund. |
Section 144.701 | One cent sales and use tax designated local tax--collection fee allowed state--school district trust fund created, investment. |
Section 149.015 | Rate of tax--how stamped--samples, how taxed--tax impact to be on consumer--fair share school fund, distribution. |
Section 151.150 | Apportionment by county commission of schools by railroads. |
Section 160.041 | Minimum school day, school month, school year, defined--reduction of required number of hours and days, when. |
Section 160.268 | Excellence in education revolving fund established--purposes--funding, administration of fund--exempt from transfer to general revenue. |
Section 160.500 | Citation of law--outstanding schools trust fund--commissioner of administration, estimates--state treasurer, duties, transfer of funds. |
Section 160.514 | Academic performance standards, adoption by state board, standards--procedure for adoption--development of written curriculum frameworks--adoption of written curriculum by boards of education. |
Section 160.518 | Statewide assessment system, standards, restriction--exemplary levels, outstanding school waivers-summary waiver of pupil testing requirements--waiver void, when. |
Section 160.522 | Annual public reporting of information by school districts, distribution--multiple reporting models, contents--summary of accreditation, contents. |
Section 160.526 | Development of academic standards and assessment system, criteria--assistance of experts--notification of implementation of system, legislative veto--professional advice and counsel. |
Section 160.530 | Eligibility for state aid, allocation of funds to professional development committee--statewide areas of critical need, funds--success leads to success grant program created, purpose. |
Section 160.534 | Excursion gambling boat proceeds, transfer to gaming proceeds for education fund and state school moneys fund. |
Section 160.545 | A+ School Program established--purpose--rules--variable fund match requirement--waiver of rules and regulations, requirement--reimbursement for higher education costs for students--evaluation. |
Section 161.099 | Department to ensure that curriculum promotes preparation of teachers. |
Section 161.520 | Districts in financial stress, factors determining--notification to district school board, contents--board to prepare budget and education plan, contents. |
Section 161.610 | Procedure for reporting performance of high school graduates completing vocational education programs--procedure--data included--public reports. |
Section 162.081 | lapse of district corporate organization, grounds, effect--hearing prior to determination of attachment of territory of lapsed district--special administrative board--employment interviews for teacher of lapsed district, when--division of district, vote, when. |
Section 162.203 | Orientation and training requirements for board members initially elected or appointed. |
Section 163.011 | Definitions--method of calculating state aid. |
Section 163.011 | Definitions--method of calculating state aid--contingent effective date. |
Section 163.013 | Schools offering both kindergarten and transportation, state aid, how computed. |
Section 163.021 | Eligibility for state aid, requirements--evaluation of correlation of rates and assessed valuation, report, calculation--further requirements--exception. |
Section 163.023 | School district with operating levy below minimum value classified unaccredited, when--procedure for classification. |
Section 163.031 | State aid--amount, how determined--deductions--categorical add-on revenue, determination of amount--district apportionment, determination of--adjustment of operating levy--minimum revenue--waiver of rules--deposits to outstanding schools trust fund, when--placement of funds received--penalty. |
Section 163.031 | State aid--amount, how determined--deductions--categorical add-on revenue, determination of amount--district apportionment, determination of--adjustment of operating levy--minimum revenue--waiver of rules--deposits to outstanding schools trust fund, when--placement of funds received--penalty--contingent effective date. |
Section 163.036 | Estimates of daily average attendance, authorized, how computed--error in computation between actual and estimated attendance, how corrected--use of assessed valuation for state aid. |
Section 163.071 | State aid for pupils residing on federal lands. |
Section 163.087 | School district trust fund distribution, certain school districts--eligible pupils defined--districts foregoing reduction in total operating levy, calculation of entitlement. |
Section 163.161 | State aid for transportation of pupils--powers of state board to approve routes, or portions of routes--effect--limitations on use of funds. |
Section 163.172 | Minimum teacher's salary--information to be provided to general assembly--salary defined--general assembly to appropriate funds--district qualifications, limitations. |
Section 164.013 | Schools, certain districts, operating levy adjustment required when, effect--not to affect senior citizens tax relief benefit. |
Section 165.011 | Tuition--accounting of school moneys, funds--uses--transfers to and from incidental fund, when. |
Section 165.051 | Investment of surplus funds. |
Section 166.275 | Appropriations to satisfy certain judgments transferred to school moneys fund--amount, distribution. |
Section 166.300 | Definitions--School building Revolving Fund created--lease purchases for projects, plan--eligibility for a lease purchase--ranking of projects--plan waived, when--repayment, interest--failure to make annual payments, state to take possession of buildings, procedures. |
Section 167.031 | School attendance compulsory, who may be excused--nonattendance, penalty--home school, definition, requirements--school year defined--daily log, defense to prosecution. |
Section 167.131 | District not accredited shall pay tuition and transportation, when--amount charged. |
Section 167.241 | Transportation of pupils to another district. |
Section 168.505 | Teacher receiving career pay not to affect district base pay. |
Section 168.515 | Salary supplement for participants in career plan--method of distribution--amounts--matching funds, formula, contributions--bonus contribution, when--review of career pay--tax levy authorized, when--use of funds--exception to contribution. |
Section 173.750 | Annual reporting of performance of graduates, furnishing of report--procedure--data included. |
Section 177.051 | Conveyance of property to public institution of higher education. |
Section 177.061 | Conveyance of sixteenth-section lands. |
Section 177.073 | Procurement of sites--sale or lease of property, procedure--deposit of proceeds. |
Section 177.091 | Elementary and high schools, establishment--acquisition of additional grounds--sale of property, distribution of proceeds. |
Section 178.585 | Upgrade of vocational and technical education--advisory committees--listing of demand occupations--use of funds. |
Section 178.693 | Educational and screening programs--reimbursement by state. |
Section 178.697 | Costs not to exceed appropriations. |
Section 178.698 | Plan to distribute funds to allow voluntary participation. |