October 20, 2020 SBE Agenda

Tuesday, October 20, 2020
10:00 a.m.
State Board of Education Meeting Room
205 Jefferson Street, 1st Floor
Jefferson City, MO 65101

The State Board of Education will hold a meeting that will be available to the public via livestream. In accordance with guidelines related to social distancing, the State Board of Education room in the Jefferson State Office Building will not be open to members of the public. The meeting will be available at: https://livestream.com/MoDESE/SBE(link is external). Follow the link to view the slide deck being presented and hear the discussion audio.   

Agenda corrected 10-15-2020-Item P  
Agenda corrected 10-19-2020-Item P
Agenda updated 10-20-2020-Items O and R


I.                      Call to Order                

II.                     Agenda for the October 20, 2020, Meeting of the State Board of Education   Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0              

III.                    Minutes of the September 15, 2020 and October 6, 2020, Meetings of the State Board of Education    Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0            

IV.                   President’s Report                

            A.        Recognition of Staff Achievements                

V.                    National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) Report                

VI.                   Consent Agenda                

            B.         Consideration of Personnel Report   Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0            

            C.        Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Summary     Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0           

            D.        Consideration of Appointment to the Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators (MACCE)   Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0      

VII.                  Items for Action           

            E.         Consideration of Adopting a Resolution in Honor of Darrion Cockrell, Missouri Teacher of the Year    Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0       

            F.         Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend 5 CSR 20-400.180, Temporary Authorization Certificate of License to Teach     Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 1      

            G.        Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend 5 CSR 20-400.500, Application for Certificate of License to Teach  Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 1         

            H.         Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend 5 CSR 20-400.510, Certification Requirements for Teacher of Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 3)    Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 1       

            I.          Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend 5 CSR 20-400.520, Certification Requirements for Teacher of Elementary Education (Grades 1-6)   Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 1        

            J.         Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend 5 CSR 20-400.530, Certification Requirements for Teacher of Middle School Education (Grades 5-9)    Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 1       

            K.        Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend 5 CSR 20-400.540, Certification Requirements for Teacher of Secondary Education (Grades 9-12)    Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 1       

            L.         Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend 5 CSR 20-400.550, Certification Requirements for Teacher of K-12 Education    Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 1       

            M.        Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend 5 CSR 20-400.560, Certification Requirements for Teacher of Special Education  Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 1         

VIII.                 Items for Discussion           

            N.        Financially Stressed School Districts and Charter Schools           

            O.        Annual Report on the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP) (MOCAP 2019-2020 Annual Report) (Added MOCAP 2019-2020 Annual Report) 

            P.         Report on Advancing Educational Equity  (Updated information on slide 3, page 4) (Updated Darryl Diggs title)

            Q.        Update on Early Learning           

            R.         Report on COVID-19 (Added PowerPoint)          

IX.                    Licensure           

            S.         Consideration of a Request by Anthony D. Napierala for  Issuance of a Teaching Certificate   Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0

            T.         Agenda Items for Two Months in Advance of Current Meeting      

X.                     Closed Session Motion   Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 0        

XI.                    Adjournment           

XII.                  Closed Session