September 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
8:30 a.m.
State Board of Education Room
205 Jefferson Street, 1st Floor
Jefferson City, MO 65101
I. Call to Order
II. Agenda for the September 13, 2016 Meeting of the State Board of Education Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
III. Minutes of the August 2, 2016 and August 9, 2016 Meetings of the State Board of Education Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
IV. President’s Report
V. National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) Report
VI. Setting of Closed Meeting of the State Board of Education Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
VII. Consent Agenda
A. Consideration of Personnel Report Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
B. Consideration of Appointment to the Investment Advisory Committee Motion carried: Yes: 5; No: 0
VIII. Items for Action
C. Consideration of Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 0
D. Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend Rule 5 CSR 20-400.640, Certification Requirements for Initial Student Services Certificate Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 0
E. Consideration of an Order of Rulemaking to Withdraw Rule 5 CSR 20-400.380, Mentoring Program Standards Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 0
F. Consideration of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend Rule 5 CSR 20-400.380, Mentoring Program Standards Motion carried: Yes: 7; No: 0
G. Consideration of an Order of Rulemaking to Rescind the Following Rules:
- Rule 5 CSR 20-200.110, Relating to Standards and Operational Requirements Motion carried: Yes: 6; No: 0
- Rule 5 CSR 20-200.120, Relating to Allowable Activities and Participating Student Eligibility Motion carried: Yes: 6; No: 0
- Rule 5 CSR 20-200.130, Relating to Administration, Eligible Contributors, and Tax Credits Motion carried: Yes: 6; No: 0
- Rule 5 CSR 20-200.140, Relating to Standards for Submission and Review of Proposals Motion carried: Yes: 6; No: 0
- Rule 5 CSR 20-200.150, Relating to Missouri Textbook Filing Motion carried: Yes: 6; No: 0
- Rule 5 CSR 20-200.220, Relating to Determining Schools Having High Concentrations of Low-Income Children for Purposes of National Defense Education, National Direct and Federal Perkins Student Loan Cancellation Motion carried: Yes: 6; No: 0
- Rule 5 CSR 20-200.270, Relating to Student Suicide Prevention Programs Motion carried: Yes: 6; No: 0
IX. Items for Discussion
I. Report on Career and Technical Education Interim Advisory Group
J. Teacher Advisory Report (Time Designation – 10:00 a.m.)
K. Update on Normandy Schools Collaborative
L. Update on Transition from Appointed to Locally-Elected Board of Education
X. Licensure
M. Consideration of a Request by Philip Lee Gilcrease for Issuance of a Substitute Teaching Certificate Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0
N. Consideration of a Request by Jeremy Alan Leftridge for Issuance of a Substitute Teaching Certificate Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0
O. Consideration to Discipline the License to Teach of Malcom Leroy Buckner, Case # HR 16-039 Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0
P. Consideration of Disciplinary Actions by Stipulation Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0
Q. Consideration to Discipline the License to Teach of Matthew Wade Felts, Case # HR 15-030 No action
R. Consideration of Appeal by Shalana R. Richardson of the Denial of Certification Motion carried: Yes: 8; No: 0
S. Agenda Items for Two-Months in Advance of Current Meeting
XI. Adjournment
XII. Closed Session