Mental Health Resources for School Staff and Students

Mental Health Resources for School Staff and Students

Student and school staff mental health  including social and emotional wellbeing  is central to a healthy school community. There is growing data to show the impact and value of providing mental health supports and services in schools.

School-Based Mental Health 101

Missouri School Mental Health/SHAPE Training

Stronger Connections Grant

The purpose of the Stronger Connections Grant is to provide students safe, healthy, and supportive learning opportunities and environments.

School-Based Mental Health (SBMH) Recruitment and Retention Initiative for Institutions of Higher Education

The purpose of the SBMH Recruitment and Retention Initiative is to increase the number of SBMH professionals to meet the mental health needs of Missouri public school students.

Immediate Responsive Services Grant (IRSG)

The purpose of the IRSG is to increase student access to mental health resources.

Mental Health Awareness Curriculum

Section 170.307, RSMo requires LEAs to provide mental health awareness training in Missouri schools. This training must be provided as part of the districts health and/or physical education curriculum.

Students graduating in the 2022-23 school year, and each year after must receive a minimum of two hours of mental health awareness training that aligns with DESE’s Social-Emotional Learning Standards and the requirements of 5 CSR 20-200.275 Mental Health Awareness Training. Mental health awareness training must include the following domains:

  • Defining Mental Health
  • Identifying Strategies for Achieving and Maintaining Sound Mental Wellness
  • Decreasing the Stigma of Mental Health Concerns
  • Recognizing How to Connect to Services When Needed

Mental Health Awareness Curriculum 

Professional Development Videos: Strategies for Responding to Student Behavior

DESE worked with 15 regional teachers of the year, semifinalists, and teachers of the year to create a series of 35 short professional development videos to address common student behavior challenges in the following six categories: exhibiting disrespect, lack of respect, showing pride, partnering with parents, feelings of apathy, and lack of motivation.

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training for School Staff

DESE is using federal relief funds to partner with Mental Health First Aid Missouri — operated by the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) and the Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH) — to provide Mental Health First Aid trainings to schools across the state at no cost. These skills-based programs give adults the tools they need to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges in both fellow adults (the standard Mental Health First Aid training), as well as in adolescents ages 12-18 (the Youth Mental Health First Aid — or YMHFA — training).

MHFA trainings, both adult and youth, are now available. The trainings can be delivered onsite, virtually, or in a hybrid format. Trainings take approximately one day to complete. MIMH notes that the trainings are appropriate for a broad range of adults, including educators, school leaders, support staff, volunteers, and other school stakeholders.

Additional Resources
