FIEP/Mediation/Child Complaint/Due Process
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Form Filing Date
A form is filed on the date it is received by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Office of Special Education Compliance Section during the business hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Forms received after business will be filed the following business day.
- What is a facilitated individualized education program (FIEP)?
This process is designed to be utilized when there is a sense from either of the parents or school district staff that the issues at the individualized education program (IEP) meeting, review of existing data meeting, or evaluation determination meeting may lead to significant disagreement or create an uncomfortable environment. A neutral facilitator helps parents and school district staff create an environment in which the IEP Team members can listen to one another’s points of view during an IEP meeting to review a student’s current information, determine if further testing is needed, and if a student is eligible for special education services, and assisting the Team to work together to build consensus in developing an IEP that meets the student’s needs and is acceptable to both the parents and the school district. IEP Facilitation is provided at no cost for IDEA-related cases. Parents and school district staff can agree to conduct a facilitated IEP meeting by completing the form found here.
- Facilitated Special Education Meeting