Missouri Schools for the Severely Disabled
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Missouri Schools for the Severely Disabled (MSSD) is a state operated program serving Missouri students with severe disabilities. Established by state law in 1957, MSSD serves children and youth between the ages of 5 and 21. MSSD is administered by the State Board of Education through the Office of Special Education. MSSD is supported primarily by funds appropriated annually by the Missouri Legislature.
Main offices for the MSSD superintendent and other supervisory staff are located in Jefferson City. Area offices are located in Sedalia, St. Louis and Springfield. Area directors work with the MSSD schools in their service areas.
MSSD serves students with severe disabilities throughout the state. A student is referred to MSSD when the local school district is unable to meet his or her educational needs. The district must develop justification reflecting that placement in a separate school is the least restrictive education environment to meet the student's identified needs.
Missouri Schools for the Severely Disabled will ensure students learn functional academic skills in a safe environment to be integrated into their home, community, activities, and work.
Providing quality education through: · Respect · Effective Practices · Achievement · Creativity · High Expectations