Safety & Crisis Information
Crisis Care for Families
Crisis Care helps parents who may be experiencing a crisis or emergency situation by offering services, including temporary care for children (up until their 18th birthday). Crisis Care is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Child Abuse or Neglect
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-392-3738. The hotline is available to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are hearing or speech impaired, call Relay Missouri at 1-800-735-2466 (voice) or 1-800-735-2966 (text).
For more information, or to report online.
Child Care Health or Safety Complaint/Concern
Report health or safety complaints/concerns about a child care provider.
School Violence
Human Trafficking
Safe Place for Newborns
Missouri's Safe Place for Newborns Law allows a parent to permanently give up a newborn up to 45 days old without prosecution, as long as it is done according to law and safely.
Parents who choose to leave a child who is more than 45 days old (but less than one year old) can use this law as an affirmative defense to charges related to child abandonment and child endangerment if it is done so safely and according to law.
Safe Sleep Missouri
Babies sleep safest Alone, on their Backs, in a Crib for nighttime, nap time and every time.
Sleep-related infant death is the leading cause of infant mortality from one month to one year of age.
Visit the Safe Sleep Missouri webpage to learn more.