Quick Links
The Missouri Assessment Program assesses students' progress toward the Missouri Learning Standards, which are Missouri's content standards. End-of-Course assessments are taken when a student has received instruction on the Missouri Learning Standards for an assessment, regardless of grade level. All EOC assessments are available only online, unless a student's IEP indicates that a Braille, Large Print, or Paper/Pencil form is needed. Missouri's suite of available End-of-Course assessments includes: English I, English II, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, American History, Government, Biology, Physical Science and Personal Finance.
Districts must ensure that students completed EOC assessments in Algebra I, English II, Biology, and Government prior to high school graduation. For students who complete the Algebra I EOC assessment prior to high school, Algebra II is the required high school mathematics assessment for accountability purposes.
All students, including Missouri Option students, are required to participate in EOC assessments designated as "required" for accountability purposes. A few groups of students are exempt from EOC assessments required for accountability purposes. Exempt student groups include:
- Students whose IEP teams have determined that they are eligible to participate in the Missouri Assessment Program-Alternate (MAP-A)
- English Learners (EL) who have been in the United States 12 cumulative months or fewer as of April 1 may be exempted from one administration of ELA. Students are still required to take English II prior to graduation.
- Foreign exchange students (not required to participate, but may do so at the district's discretion)
- Home schooled students (not required to participate, but may do so at the local district's discretion)
- Private school students
Assessment Development Recruitment
As a part of the assessment development cycle, DESE Assessment invites Missouri educators to participate in the process to help provide expertise. Missouri is always looking for educators to participate in these meetings. If you wish to be considered for participation for any future development meetings, please complete the online submission form at https://dese.mo.gov/form/assessment-meetings-interest. Once finished, you will receive an email to the personal email address provided to confirm your submission.
- Resources
- Blueprints
- District Self-Monitoring Quality Assurance
- DRC Document Library
- EOC Item Sampler
- ELA Writing Prompt - Conventions Scoring Guide
- ELA Writing Prompt - Development Scoring Guide
- ELA Writing Prompt - Organization Scoring Guide
- Guidelines For Use Of A Scribe
- Math Accountability Guidance
- Math Accelerated Personalized Plan
- Parent/Guardian Sample Letter - Before the Assessment
- Parent/Guardian Sample Letter - After the Assessment
- Timing Guidelines
- Tools and Accommodations
- Tools and Accommodations Sample Tracking Form
Guide To Interpreting Results
Performance Level Descriptors
Content Area PLD English Language Arts English I PLD English II PLD Mathematics Algebra I PLD Algebra II PLD Geometry PLD Science Biology PLD Physical Science PLD Social Studies American History PLD Government PLD - Manuals
2023-2024 Manuals
- Training
The District Test Coordinator is responsible for training all School Test Coordinators, Test Examiners and other responsible district and/or school staff on End-Of-Course Assessment processes and procedures. Prior to test administration, test examiners must familiarize themselves with the testing manual(s) and participate in any district created training.
The information in the following Power Point can be used as part of district created training. This Power Point is not a substitution for district created training or for reading the manuals above. District training should also include local procedures such as cell phone policy, test schedule, who to contact in the district with questions, etc.
- EOC Training PowerPoint Slides (Fall 2023)
- EOC Training PowerPoint Slides (Spring 2024)
- EOC Training PowerPoint Slides (Fall 2024)
- EOC Training PowerPoint Slides (Spring 2025)
Training Resources (Fall 2023)
Practice Form
Available in the Nextera TDS platform.The practice form mirrors the operational assessment. The practice form gives users the ability to see the types of items that will be on the assessment and, if taking the practice test online, become comfortable with answering items within the Nextera TDS testing platform.
Item Sampler
https://mo.nextera.questarai.com/tds/#practiceThe question sampler offers an opportunity for students to become familiar with the test format, the question types and the tools they will experience during testing to help prepare them for testing day.
End-Of-Course Training Modules (Fall 2023)
Questar has created a series of training modules for DTCs/STCs to use in conjunction with the manuals. Districts may choose to use these modules as part of their local district training.
These training modules can be found on Nextera.
https://mo.nextera.questarai.com/admin/Accounts/LoginTrainings include but are not limited to:
- Nextera Admin Overview
- The Student Testing Experience
- DTC Training Webinar
- DITC Nextera Training
- Personal Finance
Personal Finance
Testing Information
The rules around who takes the personal finance assessment, testing out of the Personal Finance course and the pass rate of the assessment differ from other EOC Assessments.
- As part of their curriculum, students in Missouri must earn a 1/2 credit in the area of Personal Finance.
- Students who are receiving personal finance credit from embedded coursework: The online assessment is REQUIRED. The pass rate is the district’s decision.
- Students attempting to “test out” and receive personal finance credit toward graduation: The online assessment is REQUIRED. Students must attain a score of 90% or higher to receive personal finance credit.
- Students who are enrolled in a stand-alone personal finance course: The online assessment is OPTIONAL. Participation, however, permits the district to evaluate student achievement with an assessment fully aligned to state standards.
- A student may take the Personal Finance Assessment ONE time per testing window.
- The Personal Finance Assessment is provided at no cost to districts.
Frequently Asked Questions
In what grades may the state Personal Finance class and/or the Assessment be taken?
It is recommended that the Personal Finance course be completed after the ninth grade because of the specific content and its relevance for persons reaching the age at which they must begin to assume financial responsibilities. However, grade level designations are not included in the Rule, so the grade level at which Personal Finance may be taught is ultimately an individual school district’s decision. Although the Graduation Handbook does refer to specific grade levels at which the course is to be offered, that document is meant for technical assistance only.
What is the “test out” option?
Districts have the option to allow students to “test out” in order for that student to receive the ½ unit of credit in Personal Finance required to graduate. To “test out,” a student must attain a score of 90% or higher on the Personal Finance Assessment.
What is the pass rate for the Personal Finance Assessment?
For students attempting to “test out,” the passing rate is 90%. Districts have the flexibility to set their own passing rate for all other students who take the Personal Finance Assessment.
How many times can a student take the Personal Finance Assessment?
A student may take the Personal Finance assessment one time per assessment window. This includes those students attempting to “test out.”
Are English Learners (ELs) or students with Individual Education (IEP) Plans/504 plans allowed accommodations?
ELs or students with an IEP/504 plan are allowed the same accommodations they would receive on any other content assessments. Please note: The Personal Finance Assessment is not available in a paper and pencil, large print or Braille version at this time.
Can local districts use student scores on the Personal Finance Assessment as part of the student grade?
Yes, districts may, but are not required to use the scores from the Personal Finance Assessments as part of the student grade.
Where does Personal Finance fit into the curriculum and how may it be counted for credit?
Personal Finance may be counted as ½ credit as a practical arts course, a social studies course or a standalone elective course.
Who may teach Personal Finance?
The district should choose the most qualified person to teach the course. The instructor must have a valid Missouri teaching certificate for secondary education.
Additional Resources
- Practice Forms
EOC Practice Forms
Practice forms aligned to the new MLS Expectations will be available online through the EOC Secure Browser and here for students who need a paper assessment.
EOC Practice Forms English I Algebra I Geometry American History English II Algebra II Personal Finance Government - Cost
The following information reflects the district cost for the EOC assessments.
Assessment Cost Algebra I $1.80* Biology $1.80* English II $1.80* Government No Cost* Algebra II $1.88 American History $1.88 English I $4.03 Geometry $1.88 Physical Science $1.88 Personal Finance No Cost *required for accountability
- Contact Information
Contact Phone E-Mail DESE Assessment 573-751-3545 assessment@dese.mo.gov Data Recognition Corp. (DRC)
800-544-9868 maphelpdesk@datarecognitioncorp.com Accountability Data 573-751-4426 accountabilitydata@dese.mo.gov Missouri School Improvement Plan (MSIP) 573-751-4104 msip@dese.mo.gov
End-of-Course (EOC) Dates
Dates | Event |
October 21, 2024 to January 25, 2025 | Fall State Testing Window |
DUE October 02, 2024 | Fall 1st Window Precode Due |
DUE November 13, 2024 | Fall 2nd Window Precode Due |
DUE February 19, 2025 | Spring 1st Window Precode Due |
March 10, 2025 to May 16, 2025 | Spring State Testing Window |
March 09, 2025 to May 15, 2025 | Spring 2026 |
DUE March 03, 2025 | Spring 2nd Window Precode Due |
June 02, 2025 to August 01, 2025 | EOC Summer |
October 20, 2025 to January 23, 2026 | Fall 2025 |