Powerful Learning Conference


Why Attend
  • 1000 Educators
  • 60+ Concurrent Sessions
  • 2 National Speakers
  • 1 Common Mission: Promote, support, and develop educator and student successes.

For more than 20 years, the Powerful Learning Conference has provided top-notch professional learning, helping Missouri educators implement effective, evidence-based practices with the goal of improved student learning for every student in every school.

How to Register
  • Conference Registration – Information about the 2026 conference will be available soon.
  • Lodging - The conference is being held on February 2-3, 2026 at:
    Tan-Tar-A Conference Center
    490 Tan-Tar-A Drive 
    Osage Beach, MO 65065
What to Expect

The Continuous Improvement System guides the conference, showcasing effective, evidence-based practices in:

  • Leadership – Strong leaders set the vision and influence direction at every level of the organization to create and support a culture of teaching and learning for continuous improvement.
  • Collaborative Climate and Culture – Shared values and common goals are the foundation of a collaborative climate and culture of systemic growth and improvement within an educational system.
  • Effective Teaching and Learning – Effective academic, behavioral, and social skill practices — supported by research and meeting the needs of each student — lead to the highest levels of student learning.
  • Data-Based Decision Making – Accurate, relevant measures across multiple points in time provide the basis for informing on progress, setting goals, and guiding decisions leading to improved student learning.
  • Alignment of Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment – Connection, clarity, and coherence must exist between standards, curriculum, and assessments in order to provide accurate and actionable information regarding student learning.
Who Presents
  • Missouri Practitioners - High quality concurrent sessions presented by educators sharing successful practices are the strength of the Powerful Learning Conference.
  • 2026 Proposals - The call for proposals will be announced in March. Submitted proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:
    • Proposal Aligned to Purpose and Theme of Conference
    • Relevance: Aligned to Collaborative Climate and Culture, Effective Teaching and Learning, Data-Based Decision Making, Curriculum and Assessment, AND/OR Leadership
    • Impact on Student Learning
    • Replication: Can be Adapted/Adopted
    • Innovative Evidence-based Practice


Christine Nobbe, Director 
Conference Coordinator 
Phone: 573-751-7754