Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)
The State Performance Plan, required by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), includes an indicator that addresses early childhood outcomes (ECO). This requirement is designed to gather performance data for young children receiving services through Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Districts will assess all children entering and exiting ECSE programs.
Note: ECSE entry and exit data compiled will be submitted via the MOSIS June Student Core file due June 30th.
- Training Modules
Module 1: The Basics
- Module 1 Webinar: The Basics; Why Do We Collect Early Childhood Outcome Data
- Module 1 PowerPoint: The Basics; Why Do We Collect Early Childhood Outcome Data
Module 2: Understanding the Three Childhood Outcome Areas
- Module 2 Webinar: Understanding the Three Childhood Outcome Areas
- Module 2 PowerPoint: Understanding the Three Childhood Outcome Areas
- Breadth of the Three Outcomes Infographic
Module 3: The ECO Process
Module 4: Good Teaming, Good Decisions
- Module 4 Webinar: Good Teaming, Good Decisions
- Module 4 PowerPoint: Good Teaming, Good Decisions
- Resources
Module 5: Age Anchoring
Module 6A: Putting it All Together
Module 6B: Who Needs a Rating & When Do We Do Them
- Module 6B Webinar: Who Needs a Rating & When Do We Do Them?
- Module 6B PowerPoint: Who Needs a Rating & When Do We Do Them
- ECTA Resources:
Module 6C Entry: Entry Rating Child Example
Module 6C Exit: Exit Rating
Module 7: Understanding the ECO Data
- Teacher/Staff Resources
- Family Resources