Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) provides the option to offer free meals to all students in eligible high poverty Local Education Agencies (LEA) and schools without collecting household applications.  Eligible LEAs and schools use a claiming percentage based on the number of identified students (primarily directly certified students) of at least 40%, multiplied by a factor of 1.6, to determine a free claiming percentage.  The difference between the free claiming percentage and 100% determines the percentage of meals to claim in the paid category. Please contact 573-751-7664 if you have any questions. 

Overview & Guidance

USDA Memos
  • SP-20-2017:  Community Eligibility Provision: Annual Notification and Publication Requirements 
  • SP-09-2024:  Community Eligibility Provision: Guidance and Updated Q&As
  • SP-52-2016:  Early Implementation of Eligibility Carryover Period for Students Transitioning from Provision Schools: State Agency Extension Option
  • SP-51-2016:  Ensuring Year-long Eligibility in the School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs 
  • SP-30-2016:  Extension of the Deadline for Local Educational Agencies to Elect the Community Eligibility Provision for School Year 2016-17
  • SP-10-2015: Area Eligibility in Child Nutrition Programs


CEP SY 2024-2025
  • Eligible and Near Eligible LEAs- Annual Notification 
    • Please note:

      For SY 24-25, LEA or school-specific identified student data is not readily available at this time.  This report uses the number of directly certified students (e.g., with SNAP and/or with other eligible assistance programs, as applicable) as a proxy for the number of identified students. This data does not fully reflect the number of identified students. This data used is not reflective of April 1 of the current school year, this data is intended for informational purposes only and do not confer eligibility to elect CEP.   This data will be updated when actual data is available, soon.  


      SP-09-2024- Community Eligibility Provision: Guidance and Updated Q & As

CEP SY 2023-2024
CEP SY 2022-2023
CEP SY 2021-2022
CEP SY 2020-2021
CEP SY 2019-2020
CEP SY 2018-2019
CEP SY 2017-2018


CEP Calculators