Lunch Program

SERVICE OR PROGRAM: National School Lunch Program

AUTHORITY: Federal: National School Lunch Act, as amended

SERVICE OR PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:  Local Education Agencies shall ensure that participating schools provide nutritious and well balanced lunches to children.

Lunches shall provide:

ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS OR PARTICIPANTS: All children enrolled in a public or nonprofit private school of high school grade or under are eligible to participate.


FUNDING OR GRANTS AVAILABLE: Funding is in the form of reimbursement based on rates assigned per paid, reduced price, and free lunches served to children.


Reimbursement Rates for the current School Year

ACCESS PROCEDURES: The Department provides schools with the necessary application-agreement forms via the Web in August.  Application Renewal should be submitted by September 1, but not later than September 15.


Coordinator, Food & Nutrition Services
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Telephone: (573) 751-3526