
Sign up for the Curriculum Listserv



NOTE: Winter Math Content meeting scheduled for February 18, 2025 has been rescheduled due to winter conditions. The new date will be March 19, 2025. Please email Traci @ to RSVP for the alternate date.

Now Offering Virtual Office Hours: Every 3rd Thursday of the Month from 3:30-4:30 p.m.

This will be a space for educators and administrators to connect with the director for guidance on standards, teaching strategies and supporting diverse learners. Join us to collaborate, share ideas and enhance math education for all students. Join us here: 

Math News!

  • Mathematical Fluency is more than a quick answer on some timed test.  Students demonstrate Fluency when they do mathematics using an appropriate strategy in a reasonable amount of time, knowing multiple processes and can apply or adapt strategies to find a correct solution.
  • Mathematical Rigor is achieved when students are able to select and use appropriate processes then communicate their ideas and reasoning with clarity and precision by using the appropriate mathematical symbols and terminology.
  • MO LEAP Math Blocks provide mini-progressions, rich tasks and unit opener resources that can be used with any district curriculum.
  • In collaboration with Missouri Educators, DESE has released priority standards and resources to support student learning and acceleration. 
  • Missouri Math Educators will be meeting in for Content sessions during the 2023-2024 school year, please see the Curriculum Calendar to register for summer and school year content meetings
  • We’re seeking K through 6th grade #STEM teachers who show deep content knowledge and the ability to motivate students for success. If you know a teacher that fits this description, nominate them today. Details can be found at Award Information.
  • Interface Update! The next Interface Conference will be September 27 through October 1 meeting in 2024. The middle day, September 29, will be a K-12 day!  Please go to the Interface page for additional information!

Assessment Development Recruitment

As a part of the assessment development cycle, DESE Assessment invites Missouri educators to participate in the process to help provide expertise. Missouri is always looking for educators to participate in these meetings. If you wish to be considered for participation for any future development meetings, please complete the online submission form at Once finished, you will receive an email to the personal email address provided to confirm your submission.

Essential Resources

Essential Resources

Mathematics Item Specifications

In 2014 Missouri legislators passed House Bill 1490, mandating the development of the Missouri Learning Expectations. In April of 2016, these Missouri Learning Expectations were adopted by the State Board of Education. Groups of Missouri educators from across the state collaborated to create the documents necessary to support the implementation of these expectations.

One of the documents developed is the item specification document, which includes all Missouri grade level/course expectations arranged by domains/strands. It defines what could be measured on a variety of assessments. The document serves as the foundation of the assessment development process.

Although teachers may use this document to provide clarity to the expectations, these specifications are intended for summative, benchmark, and large‐scale assessment purposes.

Components of the item specifications include:

  • Expectation Unwrapped breaks down a list of clearly delineated content and skills the students are expected to know and be able to do upon mastery of the Expectation.
  • Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Ceiling indicates the highest level of cognitive complexity that would typically be assessed on a large scale assessment. The DOK ceiling is not intended to limit the complexity one might reach in classroom instruction.
  • Item Format indicates the types of items used in large scale assessment. For each expectation, the item format specifies the type best suited for that particular expectation.
  • Content Limits/Assessment Boundaries are parameters that item writers should consider when developing a large scale assessment. For example, some expectations should not be assessed on a large scale assessment but are better suited for local assessment.
  • Sample stems are examples that address the specific elements of each expectation and address varying DOK levels. The sample stems provided in this document are in no way intended to limit the depth and breadth of possible item stems. The expectation should be assessed in a variety of ways.
  • Calculator Designation indicates whether a calculator will be available for test questions written to a particular expectations on the large-scale assessment.

    KindergartenGrade 6
    Grade 1Grade 7
    Grade 2Grade 8
    Grade 3Algebra I
    Grade 4Algebra II
    Grade 5Geometry

Expanded Version of the Mathematics Grade- and Course-Level Expectations

The following documents, linked below, were created by Missouri educators to provide classroom teachers a more descriptive version of the mathematics Grade- and Course-Level Expectations (GLEs and CLEs).  Much of this work came from the committees that developed the new expectations; however, many other educators have read and contributed to them.  Please remember, these are curriculum development documents and are not designed as an assessment resource.  Additionally, the examples and lists provided are not exhaustive and are not meant to place limits on the work being done in Missouri classrooms or on assessment development.

While all efforts were made by the committees to provide a clear expectation of student learning, at times it may be difficult to ascertain exactly what the committee intended.  These documents will alleviate some of the questions that inevitably arise when new expectations are released.

In the example below, which illustrates how the documents are organized, the left-hand side lists the official GLE or CLE in order.  The right-hand side is the expanded expectation.

MLS CodeActual Expectation WordingExpanded Expectation
5.NF.A.3Compare and order fractions and/or decimals to the thousandths place using the symbols >, = or <, and justify the solution.The expectation for the student is to compare and order fractions, or decimal numbers to the thousandths place, by reasoning about their size. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, = or <, and justify the conclusions. (e.g., by using benchmarks, number lines, manipulatives or drawings)

The reader will find instances where both the original and expanded versions are the same.  In these cases it was determined the expectation was clear and any additional description could be detrimental or limiting to the original intent of the committee.

These are working documents and the authors encourage the readers to develop their own examples and lists to bring these mathematics expectations to life in their classrooms.  Also note that these curriculum development documents may be updated in the future to include more detail or clarification of the intended student learning.


  • Kindergarten - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Grade 1 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Grade 2 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Grade 3 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Grade 4 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Grade 5 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Grade 6 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Grade 7 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Grade 8 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Algebra 1 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Geometry - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 
  • Algebra 2 - Expanded Expectations PDF | Word 


Performance Level Descriptors (PLD)



Math Priority Standards

Additional Resources

Assessed Standards

The Revised standards, approved on April 19, 2016 are for implementation beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year. They will be assessed beginning in the 2017-2018 school year.

Mathematics - K-5: K-5 PDF | K-5 Word
Mathematics - 6-12: 6-12 PDF | 6-12 Word
Mathematics - K-12: K-12 Excel 

Additional Resources

MLS-Math Resources

Math Practice Forms

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

EOC Practice Forms



Math Content meeting materials and recording at the Math Hub

Updates on the Implementation of the Mathematics Missouri Learning Standards

Professional Learning

Professional Learning

Math Content Meetings for 2024 – 2025 will be in November and February. 

These sessions will be held in-person in Columbia and Jefferson City. 

Here is the link to the Curriculum calendar: Curriculum | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (  to register for these meetings. Each session will have an Assessment Update session and K-6 and 6-12 topics.  

Please contact Traci Gardner at with questions or for more details.

Interface 2024 – Decades of Discovery

For forty years the Interface Conference has been a place where educators collaborate to improve mathematics and science instruction for the children of Missouri. Please consider presenting at one of Missouri’s premier professional learning events.  Feel free to forward this message to other educators that you believe would also be interested in providing high quality presentations.

The 2024 Interface dates are:

Sponsored by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in cooperation with the MU Conference Office  

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 


Professional Mathematics Organizations

It is vital for Missouri mathematics educators to be active life-long learners in the field of improving mathematics instruction.  Two characteristics of being a life-long learner are an active engagement in professional organizations and networking with other professionals in your field.  The following organizations, listed below, are available to support mathematics educators.  Please consider becoming an active member in one or more of these groups.  If you have questions please visit their websites or contact the individual listed for each group.

National Mathematics Organizations

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM)

State-Wide Mathematics Organizations

Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM)

Missouri Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (MoCSM)

American Regions Mathematics League (ARML)

Missouri Mathematics Association for the Advancement of Teacher Training (MAT)2

Regional Mathematics Organizations

Central Missouri Mathematics Educators (CM2E)

Kansas City Area Teachers of Mathematics (KCATM)

Mathematics Educators of Greater St. Louis (MEGSL)

Mathematics Educators of South Central Missouri (MESCM)

Southwest Missouri District Association of Mathematics Teachers (SWMDAMT)

Additional Sample Items

Grade 1

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Algebra 1


Algebra 2

Released Scored Performance Events

Released Scored Performance Events

Grade 3 Grade 4 
Grade 5 Grade 6 
Grade 7 Grade 8