Adult Education & Literacy (AEL) Professional Development

AEL Professional Development Course Offerings

In order to register for live (in-person or virtual) DESE-sponsored professional development, AEL staff must login to the DESE AEL Professional Development Learning Management System (LMS) at MOAEL-NoverantThis 20-minute training video covers the basics of using the LMS system.     

If you do not currently have access to this system, please contact your local AEL program director.

See below for pre-recorded professional development offerings. Your local AEL program director should record PD hours for completion of these.










Pre-recorded Professional Development 

Data Management for Local Program Staff

The thought of data management and program performance can create a feeling of stress and confusion for instructors and staff.  Effective data management is a critical component to successful Adult Education and Literacy programs. Having a clear understanding of data can result in improved student persistence, motivation, and performance.  Instructors are the “front line” of program performance. This training will empower instructors and staff to play an active role in data management and provide them with tools to help them work smarter, not harder. 

This training is divided into the following four segments:

Part 1: Review Data Collection Procedures

Part 2: Review Program Performance Standards

Part 3: Analyze LACES Reports for Improved Student Performance

Part 3B: Laces Training for Instructors - Please note, to benefit from this training, instructors should have a LACES login and be prepared to perform the step-by-step instructions along with the presenter. We suggest participants use a computer with two monitors or use separate devices to view the training and perform the steps in LACES. 

Part 4: Analyze the Assessment Process to Drive Instruction for Improved Student Performance

Completing all four segments is worth 1.5 PD hours.  Instructors can watch this four-part training twice for credit (watching twice totals 3 PD hours).

Click here to access the AEL Data Management Training for Local Program Staff.