System Support

The Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program System  Support  contains  the  management  activities  and  services  required  to  effectively  support  a  district’s comprehensive school counseling program. The administration and management activities of a district’s comprehensive school counseling program are located in this component as are activities that support other educational programs. The System Support component is implemented through activities such  as  program  management,  professional  development,  staff  and  community  relations,  consultation,  committee participation, community outreach, and evaluation.



Principal Counselor Annual Agreement 

(Missouri model adapted from ASCA annual agreement)

Talking points for Missouri model Principal counselor annual agreement

Principal Counselor Agreement Form

Administration Resources

Administration Resources

  1. Interview Questions for School Counselors 
  2. Top Ten Things Administrators Can Do 
  3. Professional Development Activities for School Counselors 



Gysbers Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program Award

The Gysbers Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program Award recognizes Missouri school buildings that have demonstrated the commitment to be fully implemented. This prestigious award is a five year distinction. Buildings may reapply after five years.

Due Date: September 1

Applications will be scored by a panel of five trained reviewers comprised of a counselor educator, MSCA representative, elementary counselor, middle school counselor, and high school counselor. A K-12 counselor can be chosen to serve as one of the school counseling positions. An application must receive a score of 54 (90% or higher) to achieve the designation. Successful applicants will be notified no later than the last Friday in September. Applications should be sent to

For more information contact Cierra Griffin, at 573-751-4383 or

Gysbers Missouri Comprehensive School Counseling Program Award Application

Gysbers Templates:

The Word Document format can be uploaded to a shared platform in order for multiple building counselors to see and use. Only one copy of the form will be submitted for the award.

Missouri Gysbers (House Bill 1606) Award Winning Schools


Missouri RAMP Schools

RAMP Schools

History of Dr. Norman C. Gysbers Nationally Recognized Missouri Program Award (NRM)

NRM information can be viewed here.

  1. Park Hill South High School, Park Hill School District (2019)
  2. Indian Trails Elementary, Fort Osage School District (2019)
  3. Mesiner Primary School, Affton School District (2020)
  4. Mason Elementary School, Lee's Summit School District (2020)
  5. Adrian Elementary School, Adrian R-III School District (2021)
  6. Congress Middle School, Park Hill School District (2021)
  7. Platte County High School, Platte County R-III School District (2021)
  8. Walden Middle School, Park Hill School District (2021)
Sample Calendars
ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School

List of approved programs

Career Certification Information


Evaluation: Program + Personnel = Results

This page is designed to provide you with information and resources to more effectively evaluate a comprehensive school counseling program. PowerPoint presentations videos, sample templates, and summaries of action based projects conducted by practicing school counselors are available to assist you in developing your own evaluation plan as required by MSIP. 

This presentation provides you with an overview of the evaluation process for comprehensive school counseling programs--a process that includes program evaluation, personnel evaluation and results evaluation.

Evidence of Impact (narrated Powerpoint)

Program Evaluation: Determining the Level of Implementation

The first aspect of evaluation asks the question, "To what extent is the school counseling program fully implemented?"  MSIP5 Standard 6.9 begins to address this question by outlining the necessary and essential components of a school counseling program that is integral to the total educational process.

School counselors and administrators should first determine if the components are in place.

MO-CSCPE (Formerly IIR)

Time Task Analysis

The Missouri K-12 Comprehensive School Counseling Program Evaluation (MO-CSCPE), formerly the Missouri Internal Improvement Review (IIR), is a school counseling program management tool designed to assess the degree of implementation of a school or district’s Comprehensive School Counseling Program.  Full program implementation positively impacts student achievement, graduation rates, mental health, and the overall culture of the school environment. It is recommended that this tool be completed/reviewed annually to determine areas of strength and identify areas of improvement.  Results can be used by the school/district to improve the implementation of the Comprehensive School Counseling Program.

The Time on Task Analysis is a survey of the school counselors’ time spent on performing the tasks that have been assigned in the program as it currently exists. The results of this initial analysis will provide baseline data for comparing the time and tasks involved in the current program to the time on tasks chosen for the desired district’s comprehensive school counseling program. A district may conduct the Time on Task Analysis using 15 or 30 minute time intervals.


  • Missouri K-12 Comprehensive School Counseling Program Evaluation (MO-CSCPE) - Excel
  • Program Improvement Plan - PDF
  • Internal Improvement Review for Career Centers (Coming Soon) - Word

Student Learning Objectives (SLO)

Personnel Evaluation Documents

The following materials for the School Counselor Evaluation Process are aligned with the Missouri Educator Evaluation System.  As with all school counseling materials, districts are free to use and/or customize.  School Counselors should be provided support and evaluated using tools designed for school counselors.


DESE and MSCA collaborated on a statewide two year mentoring program for school counselors who are new to the profession.  To upgrade from an Initial Student Services (ISS) certification to a Career Student Services (CSS) certification a school counselor must participate in a two year mentoring program (in addition to other criteria). After completion of this two year program, mentees will be issued a DESE certificate that can be used in the upgrade process. The DESE mentor program is specifically designed for participants who register into the DESE mentoring program the first year. Registration is now open!

*All first year registration will be accepted into the two-year mentoring program.

For more information contact Cierra Griffin via email or phone 573-751-4383.

  • Register here!
  • Required to attend mentoring program training.
  • Complete a two-year obligation of school counseling "experiences" with mentor coaching to earn a DESE mentoring completion certificate.
  • Contact logs will contain reflections about topics by both mentee and mentor. Must be submitted to obtain a certificate of completion.
  • Register here!
  • Required to attend mentoring program training.
  • Complete a two-year obligation as a mentor to provide feedback on essential experiences and skills a beginning counselor needs.
  • Contact logs will contain reflections and feedback from a mentor. Must be submitted to receive a stipend.

New School Counselor Institute (NSCI)


Dates: July 7-9, 2025

Location: Stoney Creek Hotel in Columbia, Missouri

We are excited to announce the New School Counselor Institute will be in person this year. 

NSCI is designed for those entering school counseling positions with:

  • An alternative certification with no, or one year of school counseling experience
  • Recent graduation from a school counseling master's program and 0-1 years of counseling experience
  • No public school experience

Space is limited, so apply as soon as possible. Priorities for acceptance will be based on the bulleted list above and the date registration is received. All attendees must submit a local administrator approval letter to attend the NSCI conference. Please download the approval letter below and submit it to your registration application. No purchase orders will be accepted. 

Contact Cierra Griffin at 573-751-4383 for any questions related to NSCI. 

Position Papers

School Counseling Program Management

The  school  counselor  plans  and  manages  tasks  needed  to  support  activities  conducted  in  the  district’s  comprehensive  school  counseling  program.  Such  activities  might  include:  conducting  time  on  task  analyses,  developing  a  yearly  calendar  of  activities,  developing  a  yearly  budget,  writing  reports  regarding  the  comprehensive  school counseling program, establishing priorities for the year, and identifying resources needed to implement the program.